House of Holland


Wednesday, 11 June 2014

MICA introduces Liverpools hottest new tshirt designer!

Hi guys its MICA here...
So I had a meeting last week with a new and upcoming t-shirt Design Company called Sine Missione.  The company is based in Liverpool and is both exciting and a definite break from the norm!  The current mens tshirt market is over run with the same old, favoured designs and Givenchyesque obsession so it is refreshing to see a contemporary menswear designer with a fresh idea!

So a little bit about Sine Missione....
'Sine Missione… The year was 80AD, when morals where different, when the Roman emperor Titus completed the Amphitheatre of death, The Collosseum. With hearts of darkness and unquenchable thirsts for blood, the Flavian dynasty’s creativity for games of brutality knew no bounds. Baying mobs in their thousands would pay well for the true warrior’s to stake their lives in the arena, and so it was for their morbid entertainment, Gladiators would clash one on one, 100 strong, or even against wild hearts. Not all of these bloodsports would end in death, a fact not prominently known throughout history, though for all those who were luckily enough to walk away from the Collosseum  with their lives, there were those who partook in the contest of all death contests. No quarter given no merry shown. This was known as Sine Missione.’
Each Sine Missione t-shirt has a deep and meaningful message to it and each t-shirt has a short description surrounding this message on the inside of the shirts.
Right now they are mainly focusing on men’s designs but will shortly be giving women’s designs a go.
Not only are the company a fantastic new offering for the menswear market in Liverpool they are also extremely generous! 10% of profits from the sale of their shirts go to charity's such as, help the hero’s and the British legion. They will be sponsoring 12 local soldiers giving them free clothes to wear whilst on down time.
Here are a sample of the company's most recent designs a series based on World War One

The brand is just starting out and have a Facebook and Twitter account for you all to check out under their brand name Sine Missione.

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